Fifty-One – Cover Reveal


Fifty-One – Coming Soon on February 12th 2018, from Filles Vertes Publishing, LLC


It’s here. The cover for my forthcoming time-travellin’, love-trianglin’, history-muddlin’ novel Fifty-One has now been unveiled. And I don’t know about you, but I love it.

Many thanks to Kate Cowan of Broken Arrow Designs, for visualizing it better than the writer did!

Credit: Kate Cowan, Broken Arrow Designs


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Publishing Fifty-One: The Cover

All right, I confess. When I was writing the novel that became Fifty-One, the cover was not front of my mind.

Big issues bothered me, like whether the time travel paradoxes in the story might sink it under the weight of mind-bending puzzlement (they don’t, honest!). And so did small issues, like what had the weather been like on a specific day in July 1944.

In my idler moments, I even indulged fantasies of which actors might play Jake and Amy, my time-tossed, star-crossed lovers, if ever there was a movie version of the book.

I didn’t think about the cover. Maybe I’m just not a visual thinker.

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Writing Fifty One

Update – February 2018 – you can now buy Fifty One, out on 12 February from Filles Vertes Publishing. Check out the links here.


Half a mile from my home is Lewisham High Street. There’s nothing special about it – shabby, even by London standards: a street market, people getting on and off buses, phone shops and chain stores. It’s seen better days.

One day that definitely was not better – indeed, it was probably the street’s worst – was Friday July 28th, 1944.

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Coming Soon – Fifty One

For some reason, the fine people at Filles Vertes Publishing are quite taken with my time travel romance story, ‘Fifty One’. It’s a simple story: boy (born in 2010) meets girl (who dies in 1944), and they fall in love in Blitz-era London. Boy discovers that girl is due to be blown up before the war ends, and risks life, the universe and everything to save her.

The book grew out of a short story that won a ‘Dark Tales’ magazine contest some time ago. That story was essentially a ghost story about a young woman killed by a flying bomb in a south London street market in 1944. The novel takes the same real-life incident, but leaps off into an action-packed, heart-aching and mind-bending romp through time. As one reader said, it’s a love story ship in a time travel bottle!

I’m having a lot of fun getting the book ready for publication: editing, looking at cover art, and all that jazz. I’ll post updates here as we work our way through the process.